It took some time for these now-trendy cars to catch on.
10.) Nissan 240SX
Before the Fast and the Furious cult, the rise of drift culture, and the deep appreciation for Japanese rear-wheel drive cars really started to jump, the 240SX was left in the dark. It wasn’t hated, but it wasn’t appreciated as what it’s appreciated for today. Now, enthusiasts are climbing over themselves each time an unmolested S13 or S14 240SX pops up on Craigslist. Right fully so.
Suggested By: interstate366, Photo Credit: Nissan
9.) Porsche Cayenne
You can’t drive five miles in the Hamptons or through Beverly Hills without coming across dozens of Cayennes, but it hasn’t always been like that. What’s changed since the original launch? Reader Doctor-G-and-the-wagen can explain what’s going on here:
When this thing came out people were understandably a little put off by the thing, plus it wasn’t really that good in the first generation. Suddenly every high end automaker is cranking out a big SUV/crossover after it, and after a few model generations the Cayenne itself is getting to be pretty good for what it is.
It may not be popular with enthusiasts, but this thing has certainly proven itself a success by now.
Suggested By: Doctor-G-and-the-wagen, Photo Credit:
8.) Pontiac GTO
Before Pontiac was shot down the tubes of bankrupt GM, they dropped a few gems that happened to go unnoticed at the time. The last Pontiac GTO was one of those gems. Jalopnik reader Nobi can tell us about the GTO:
350-400 HP, six-speed manual as an option, endlessly tuneable, surprisingly comfortable, you can fit two full size adults in the backseat (after you wait 30 years for the seat to move for them), shares parts with tons of domestic vehicles, and you can pick a decent, fairly low mileage one up for a hair over $10,000. Much better then when it came out and everyone cried about the high price and how it doesn’t look like “a real GTO.” First, a real GTO is a Ferrari. Second, this thing is a helluva lot of car for the money.
Shut up and enjoy it.
Suggested By: Nobi, Photo Credit: Pontiac
7.) Dodge Charger Daytona
This big-winged American muscle icon wasn’t always so well favored. Jalopnik reader darnder can tell the story of the Dodge Charger Daytona:
Built to dominate Nascar’s high-speed tracks but sold poorly in showrooms due to their high price tags, and decreased performance from to the extra bodywork adding on weight. Stories have been told of dealerships resorting to chopping off the wings and swapping the nose cones for the regular Charger and Roadrunner/GTX noses to help sell them.
The rarest of the bunch, the manual Hemi-powered cars, will bring in anywhere from 300k$ to half a million dollars fully restored or in pristine original condition.
Suggested By: daender, Photo Credit: Karrmann via Wikipedia
6.) Plymouth Prowler
As a new car, the Plymouth Prowler was shit on for its poor performance, odd design, and impracticality. As time has past, people’s views regarding the Prowler have changed. Its design is respected and Chrysler is respected for actually putting such an oddball-looking car on the market at the time.
Suggested By: mkbruin, Photo Credit: Ildar Sagdejev via Wikipedia
5.) Pontiac Aztek
With some help from the phenomenon TV show known as Breaking Bad, where the lead character drove one of these around regularly, the Pontiac Aztec is now well-known and well-liked. Mostly thanks to its once-hideous, now-quirky design.
Suggested By: AdmiralAztek, Photo Credit: Pontiak
4.) Ferrari Dino
As a sports car that was first put on the market to be a a good value, the Dino has grown far beyond that with age. With collectors scrambling to put their hands on anything vaguely Ferrari-related, Dinos have skyrocketed in value and it looks like it will continue that way.
Suggested By: Vlan1, Photo Credit: Thesupermat via Wikipedia
3.) Ford Crown Victoria
Best know for its taxicab, law enforcement, and old-people carrying duties, the Crown Victoria was never appreciated much outside of those realms. As the want for an V8-powered, easy to work on, reliable, spacious, and beefy American sedan has grown, so have the levels appreciation for the Crown Vic.
Suggested By: Margin Of Error, Photo Credit: KurtClark via Flickr
2.) Porsche 912
Lost behind the Porsche 911, the lower-powered Porsche 912 was considered the bastard Porsche from early on. Similar to the Ferrari Dino story, classic car enthusiasts will now go above and beyond to have something 911-related or shaped in their garage. Even if that means spending an absurd amount of money on the 911’s slower, possibly better-handling brother.
Suggested By: Stig-a-saw-us-wrecks, Photo Credit: Porsche
1.) The Entire Subaru Lineup
The continuously-growing Subaru of today was not always as successful and liked. Reader Indiana Jones can explain:
10 years ago people either had no clue what I drove or they thought it was an ugly duckling/lesbian mobile.
Now, almost all my friends want a Crosstrek and are jealous that I drive a Subaru.
My mom wants an Outback, dad wants the new Forester, and my sister wants a BRZ.
I feel like I’m taking crazy pills.
I want a bugeye WRX 🙂
Suggested By: Indiana Jones, Photo Credit: Subaru
Welcome back to Answers of the Day – our daily Jalopnik feature where we take the best ten responses from the previous day’s Question of the Day and shine it up to show off. It’s by you and for you, the Jalopnik readers. Enjoy!
Top Photo Credit: JimsBack via Flickr