On the last stage of Rally Mexico, Citroën driver Kris Meeke plowed right off the stage road and into a parking lot. It looked like something straight out of Forza Horizon, yet he went on to win the rally anyway. That detour produced some of the most incredible in-car audio of the year, especially from Meeke’s shocked codriver Paul Nagle.
You can see Meeke hit a bump which upset his car mid-turn, flinging it off the road, through some scrubby trees and into a parking lot on the other side.
“Jesus Christ, Kris,” Nagle says as they fly through the trees. “Oh no!”
Despite Meeke asking, “How am I going to get out of here?” and getting what sounds like either “I, uh” or “I dunno” from his codriver, they eventually spot a break in the trees and get back on the road.
Perhaps the best bit is at the end, though, when they were certain that they’d lost until they were greeted by a cheering crowd who indicated otherwise.
“What are we doing?” asks Meeke after the stage was over. “I don’t know,” says Nagle.
Sounds about right.