
30 highly successful people share their New Year’s resolutions for 2018

Retired Navy SEAL commander, author, and podcast host Jocko Willink doesn’t do New Year’s resolutions, per se … instead, he plans to get better today and every day

Retired Navy SEAL commander, author, and podcast host Jocko Willink doesn't do New Year's resolutions, per se ... instead, he plans to get better today and every day

Echelon Front

“I don’t do New Years Resolutions. There isn’t anything special to me about the New Year.

“Making a resolution to be disciplined for one day isn’t going to change you.

“Change doesn’t happen in one day. Getting better doesn’t happen with one statement you make once a year.

“Getting better is a campaign of discipline.

“It isn’t a one day thing — it is an everyday thing.

“Getting stronger, healthier, smarter, wealthier — getting better — none of these things happen from a mere one day of effort.

“They all takes weeks, months, and years of effort for results to show.

“But. Remember: weeks, months, and years all start with days.

“Without days, there are no weeks, months, and years.

“And the day you control is this one. Today.


“Don’t start to be disciplined on New Year’s day.

“Don’t begin moving toward your goals on Monday.

“Don’t wait until tomorrow and don’t think about what you didn’t do yesterday.


“Be disciplined today.

“Make today count.

“Get better today.

“This day.


“If you do that, when you look up in weeks and months and years, you won’t need a resolution to keep get you on The Path of Discipline.

“You will already be on there.”

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