
This Is What Happens When You Try To Wash A Car At 40 Degrees Below Zero


Screenshot: Garage 54 / YouTube (Other)

Washing your car is important in the winter, even when it’s absurdly cold outside. But what happens when you try to wash your car at minus 40 degrees? The jovial guys at Garage 54 set out to answer this very question.

This winter is particularly harsh on our four-wheeled friends. My area in Illinois not only saw lots of snow, but also many days below zero.

I’ve long wondered what happens if you tried washing your car in such terrible conditions. A few local car washes near me wash and dry your car in a heated building. But what about washing your car out in the open like you would in the summer? Thankfully, the guys at the Garage 54 YouTube Channel conducted an (admittedly silly) experiment so I don’t have to.

Our host, Vlad, confirmed that it was extremely cold outside (-40F/-40C) and got right to business spraying a foaming car soap onto a Hummer H2. The soap quickly froze to the Hummer.



Screenshot: Garage 54 / YouTube (Other)

The pink foam soap froze so quickly that it looked more like foam insulation than car wash soap. Garage 54 spent two days adding more and more layers of foam soap, until it was almost unrecognizable.


Screenshot: Garage 54 / YouTube (Other)

In true Garage 54 fashion, Vlad wanted to take the frozen blob of a Hummer on a drive around town. He and his crew carved through several inches of the foam soap and were successfully able to get into the Hummer.



Screenshot: Garage 54 / YouTube (Other)

Hilarity ensued as the team drove the SUV around looking like a pink version of the Mutt Cutts van from Dumb and Dumber.



Screenshot: Garage 54 / YouTube (Other)

I was surprised at how easily the team was able to remove the soap from the SUV. It even looked cleaner in the end, too!


Illustration for article titled This Is What Happens When You Try To Wash A Car At 40 Degrees Below Zero

Screenshot: Garage 54 / YouTube (Other)

Check out Garage 54 for more of the team’s wild car experiments.

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