
Hand Sanitizer Cam does not deny anyone its essence

When the Hand Sanitizer Cam hits you.

When the Hand Sanitizer Cam hits you.
Screenshot: Milwaukee Bucks

Look, I’m not sayin’, I’m just sayin’…

I certainly wouldn’t know, but I’ve heard tale told of things and stories and events that this could be suggestive of. I mean, it certainly would take a warped and damaged mind to make that leap, but if you’re here you probably have said mind. And welcome!

I certainly have no knowledge of how this promotion ended up looking like a Dancing Bear video, nor do I have any idea what a Dancing Bear video is. And do your own research. It doesn’t matter to me if you do it at work or at home, I’m not the one responsible for your bills.


I suppose, in defense of whoever came up with this, that it would be hard to illustrate clear liquid, as hand sanitizer tends to be, shooting across a screen (another activity I definitely have never done accidentally). So it has to be in relief somehow. This…misses the mark. Or is a direct hit, depending on your point of view (or POV, which is a genre I again have no familiarity with), as well as the camera people on this just being accidentally pinpoint accurate or completely in on the joke … that I definitely don’t get.

Maybe this one should go back into the oven. Don’t think it’s quite done yet. Or maybe it just needs a smoke and a raiding of the fridge. Can’t quite tell.

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