
LeBron mocks outraged Ohio bar owner’s silly NBA boycott

Among LeBron James’ critics? A random-ass bar owner from Ohio.

Among LeBron James’ critics? A random-ass bar owner from Ohio.
Photo: Getty Images

A bar owner in Cincinnati, Ohio won’t play NBA games until LeBron is “expelled” from the League for his now-deleted Twitter post.


The NBA player responded to the bar ban accordingly.

“Welp.” Yup, pretty much sums it up.

Last week, the basketball superstar found himself the target of right-wing trolls after tweeting about a police officer who appeared to be involved in the shooting and killing of 16-year-old Ma’Khia Bryant in Columbus, Ohio.

James deleted the post, saying it was “being used to create more hate.”

But a deleted post and a change of thought still prompted some, like the bar owner, to attack the Laker. As a reminder, James has been a leading voice for social justice in sports, created the I Promise School, and started a voting rights group for Black Americans. But go off.

Days after the deleted post, the Ohio bar owner is still upset.

For starters, not showing NBA games at a bar might not be the greatest business decision? I might be crazy, but sports fans go to bars, right? Some sports fans like basketball, right? So maybe not showing a game will leave folks to go elsewhere? Perhaps.


But in the midst of the LeBron social media storm, many seemed to have forgotten the source of his frustration, that a 16-year-old Black girl lost her life to the hands of police in what was, unquestionably, a horrible situation. The incident also happened less than 24 hours after Derek Chauvin was found guilty in all three charges in the killing of George Floyd.

The bar owner can do whatever he wants in his establishment. But his outrage about a basketball player’s deleted tweet is telling.



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