
Blip: Yugo Get ‘Em

When the Yugo GV was a Brand New Thing at the Washington DC Auto Show, my dad and I went and while I did spend a couple of minutes ogling the Pantera a couple of slots over, the Yugo was a car that I might actually find myself inside of one day, and I looked it over with great interest.

Aside from the four or five spots of rust I found – a couple of them inside the car – the most notable thing was a sticker on the dash which read,

Sustained Operation Above 55MPH Not Recommended

or words very similar to that. Seriously – in a country where the speed limit sign is often interpreted as a lower limit, this little spud was advising not to exceed that rate at all. This was very early in the model run in the US when everybody agrees the best cars were coming off the line. In the years since, that cannot say anything great about the subsequent years.

I am pleased to report that I never did find myself inside a Yugo. I could now, just for gits and shiggles, but not out of any kind of necessity.

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