It’s really any of those trucker-centric mega gas stations where you can step into a road warrior’s superstore. This is where you’ll find the best selection of cheap sunglasses, gaudy hats, and offensive T shirts. I once saw canned oxygen being peddled as a legal recreational drug along side a neon assortment of OTC stimulant pills. The best of these mega gas stations even have a section full of big rig jewelry that flashy truckers buy to pimp their trucks. These places are the best.
In my life, I’ve visited truck stops that sold CB radios out of locked display cases, along with night vision goggles, flare funs, anything you can imagine. It’s all out there, on the road, ready for the taking. Do you need to return from your road trip with a bountiful harvest of gas-station gadgets? Probably not. But, think of them as souvenirs, and suddenly the idea gets a lot more appealing.
Submitted by: Kaiser Khan