
A shoutout to memorable mom moments in sports history

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Image: AP

At Wrestlemania 2000, each McMahon [Vince, Shane, Linda, and Stephanie] represented a competitor in the main event Fatal 4-Way Elimination Match for the WWE Championship. Triple H, accompanied by Stephanie, retained the title, and eventually, the McMahons were aligned against The Rock, other than Linda. Two weeks later, Linda came out on Monday Night Raw to cut a promo on how the deck was heavily stacked against The Rock for his title opportunity at Backlash in 13 days, to which Stephanie took exception. For her troubles in interrupting her mother, she received a slap in the face.

And one Honorable Mention…

Jeremy Lin dunks on his mother

Sometimes, you just gotta dunk on your mom. But if you do, chances are you aren’t a 100th of the athlete Jeremy Lin is, so do it safely.

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