
Anti-vaxxer John Stockton downplays COVID in ‘over-the-top’ documentary

John Stockton says he’s done his own research on COVID vaccines.

John Stockton says he’s done his own research on COVID vaccines.
Screenshot: Twitter/Ben Collins

Former long-time Utah Jazz point guard and Hall of Famer John Stockton has appeared in an anti-vaccine documentary, saying things that you normally would say in an anti-vaccine documentary.


NBC News Reporter Ben Collins first let the streets know on Twitter what Stockton had been up to, and evidently, he’s far from alone. The quote under Stockton in advertisement for this documentary reads, “One of the things that sticks in my head is losing someone like Steph Curry to basketball would be a crime,” he said. “I just think what a disappointment to this world it would be if that guy didn’t become who he is. So I wonder, who are we missing out on right now.”

Someone clipped part of the documentary’s trailer to show Stockton’s portion, which sounds like he’s about to introduce The Avengers’ newest member because of the background music. Instead, he says the following: “It’s not a virus cheating us of this opportunity, it’s the guys making decisions saying, ‘No no, we’re too scared. We’re gonna shut everything down. Sit down in your house and be careful.”

The ex-Gonzaga Bulldog even went on to add that he conducted his own research, which he’s holding to a higher regard than the health professionals who are researching all this for a living, a common pivot from people who have yet to be vaccinated, and probably won’t be.

“My kids and my grandkids (are) hearing these things and accepting them as truth when I know by my significant amount of research that it isn’t and it’s very frustrating,” he said.

Who knew Stockton was that dude at the Thanksgiving dinner table?

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