
Argentine officials raid home and office of Diego Maradona’s doctor in possible manslaughter probe

An image of late former football star Diego Maradona is displayed on the facade of the CONMEBOL building as a tribute after his death last week.

An image of late former football star Diego Maradona is displayed on the facade of the CONMEBOL building as a tribute after his death last week.
Image: (Getty Images)

It looks like Diego Maradona’s death is going to be as fiery and controversial as his life.


Today, Argentine officials raided the home and office of Maradona’s doctor, Leopoldo Luque, to try and piece together the last days of the star’s life. The investigation into involuntary manslaughter would seem to stem from Maradona’s lawyer’s claims that it took half an hour for an ambulance to arrive at Maradona’s home after his heart attack. Which would obviously be egregious.

Maradona was supposed to be on 24-hour care at his home after surgery to remove a blood clot in his brain two weeks earlier. There were supposed to be nurses in the house for all 24 hours, an on-call doctor, and an ambulance standing by. Obviously, if it took half an hour for an ambulance to arrive, the latter part of his care was not realized. Maradona was due to enter treatment for alcohol addiction after his recovery, so his care was also supposed to account for that.


Neurologist Leopoldo Luque, shown here shortly after performing surgery on Diego Maradona, is now being investigated in his death.

Neurologist Leopoldo Luque, shown here shortly after performing surgery on Diego Maradona, is now being investigated in his death.
Image: (Getty Images)

Maradona’s daughters have also requested information on the medication he was taking at the time of his death.

The Argentine legend’s death had already become something of a fiasco, as workers at a funeral home took and released selfies of themselves with Maradona’s body. One funeral home worker was quickly fired and Maradona’s lawyer has promised legal action.

Luque was the doctor who performed the brain clot surgery on Maradona and was praised for his quick spotting of the clot and work to relieve it. Luque claims he has cooperated with the search of his home and office and maintains that everything possible was done in Maradona’s care.

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