APDinamo Bucharest’s Harlem Gnohere cries after his teammate Patrick Ekeng of Cameroon collapsed and died on the field.
Cameroonian Patrick Ekeng died on the field during a match in Romania’s Liga I.
The Dinamo Bucharest midfielder had come on to the pitcher as a substitute only seven minutes earlier. While standing in the middle of the field, he suddenly collapsed without contact.
Medical personnel quickly rushed to Ekeng and he was taken away in an ambulance within minutes.
“Resuscitation attempts were made for an hour and half without success,” said Dinamo team doctor Liviu Paltinean (via AFP).
The club’s executive director, Ionel Danciulescu, addressed the situation later.
“I can’t believe it. It’s a nightmare. For me, for the team and for all Dinamo supporters. It’s too much,” said Danciulescu.
Video of the Ekeng’s collapse can be seen below, via Romania’s DigiSport.
WARNING: Some may find the content in the video below disturbing.