“Away,” a new drama on Netflix, tells the story of the first manned expedition to Mars — Emma Green (played by Hilary...
After taking five consecutive business days off from my work laptop — and to shout at my personal laptop while losing games...
Evan Weinstein, the founder of the Philadelphia-based startup, Cocoa Press, which makes a 3D printer for chocolate, doesn’t have much of a...
Editor’s note:Get this free weekly recap of TechCrunch news that any startup can use by email every Saturday morning (7 a.m. PT)....
Welcome back to This Week in Apps, the TechCrunch series that recaps the latest OS news, the applications they support and the...
Welcome back to This Week in Apps, the TechCrunch series that recaps the latest OS news, the applications they support and the...
SPACs, or special purpose acquisition companies, are all the rage right now, and people are emerging from all corners to raise them....
An aspect of video calls that many of us take for granted is the way they can switch between feeds to highlight...
A day after the Senate Commerce Committee moved forward with plans to subpoena the CEOs of Twitter, Facebook and Google, it looks...
President Donald Trump’s positive COVID-19 result has made Twitter a busy place in the past 24 hours, including some tweets that have...