Africa has one of the world’s fastest growing tech markets and Nigeria is becoming its unofficial capital. While the West African nation...
“Cheer,” a new documentary series on Netflix, may be singlehandedly changing the way many people think about cheerleading. The show follows the...
The 2019-nCoV coronavirus is a global public health emergency of significant concern. It is also, simultaneously, a fount of misinformation, wild conspiracy...
Wake up, make breakfast, get the kids to school, drive to work, break into the chief financial officer’s inbox and steal the...
If WeWork wanted to cement the impression that it no longer strives to be viewed as a tech company but rather as...
In a large office scattered with drums, family mementos, and a well-used whiteboard, on the second floor of Creatlve Artist Agency‘s Los...
When Ginni Romettysteps down as CEO at IBM in April and her replacement Arvind Krishna takes the helm, more than eight years...
Maybe ‘tech-enabled’ is good enough for public markets? Everybody’s talking about revenues after WeWork, but maybe you still don’t need to have...
Greg EpsteinContributor Share on Twitter Greg M. Epstein is the Humanist Chaplain at Harvard and MIT, and the author of The New...
Back in 2016, Nutanix decided to take the big step of going public. Part of that process was creating a pitch deck...