EmbraerJackie Chan.
Jackie Chan has a new toy in his collection.
This week, the movie icon took delivery of a new Embraer Legacy 500 business jet. This is not Chan’s first private jet, nor is it his first Embraer. Chan, a brand ambassador for the Brazilian airplane maker, took delivery of an Embraer Legacy 650 in 2012. His new plane is the first Legacy 500 to be delivered to a Chinese customer.
“The Legacy 500 features our best-to-date technologies and it incorporates designs that maximize passenger comfort and fuel efficiency,” Marco Tulio Pellegrini, Embraer Executive Jets’ president and CEO, said in a statement.
Chan seems equally enthused about the newest addition to his fleet. “I’m so thrilled to receive this Legacy 500, a state-of-the-art executive jet,” he said in a statement.
He continued:
In the past few years, my Legacy 650 has brought me fantastic traveling experiences and great convenience, allowing me to do more acting and philanthropic works around the world. I’m sure that the performance of the new Legacy 500 will again exceed my expectations, and become a comfortable mobile home and office for me.
There’s no word on whether the new Legacy 500 will join the 650 or replace the 650 in the screen legend’s fleet. Here’s a closer look at Chan’s Embraer Legacy 500: