
Don’t even think about calling Khloe Kardashian a ‘hottie’

Tristan Thompson and Lamar Odom seem to be fighting over Khloe Kardashian via her Instagram comments.

Tristan Thompson and Lamar Odom seem to be fighting over Khloe Kardashian via her Instagram comments.
Image: Getty Images

Tristan Thompson is sixth among active NBA players in career offensive rebounds, and he ranked 13th in the league with 169 this past season for the Celtics.


What he’s doing in the offseason is a different sort of offensive rebounding. Since he’s nowhere near the NBA Finals this year, Thompson had time to scroll on his phone and find the latest picture from his ex, Khloe Kardashian, where he left a series of “hearts and drooling emojis” in the comments, according to People.

Fair enough, she’s the mother of his child, and even though they’ve split up, People reports that they spend a lot of time together as parents, just no longer as romantic partners. And exes can have a flirty relationship. Whatever their deal is, that’s their deal.

The offensive part is Thompson’s reaction to a similar comment from another Kadashian hardwood ex, Lamar Odom, who wrote “Hottie” with his string of emojis. At the very least, Thompson was over the line in referencing the drug overdose that nearly killed Odom six years ago. At worst, he threatened to remove “nearly” from “killed” in the future.

“God brought you back the first time,” Thompson wrote. “Play if you want, different results.”

Odom may want to consider adding to his career total of 892 NBA blocks, but this isn’t really about him. Whatever Thompson’s on-again, off-again relationship with Kardashian is, trying to sort through it in public, in the comments on Instagram, surely isn’t going to be productive. Maybe, since this is all happening in the Kardashian Cinematic Universe, that’s kind of the point and there’s an element of kayfabe to it — but sometimes kayfabe goes over the line, too.

rIf the eggplant emoji comes out, that’s a whole other story, but one that also drives home the larger life lesson — and larger life lessons really are the crux of anything involving the Kardashians, right? — don’t go into your ex’s Instagram comments. Just don’t. Nothing good is going to happen to you there. Play if you want, same results.

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