An investigation into the failed attempt at bringing IndyCar to Boston dropped a majority of the blame and a lot of the financial burden on Boston Grand Prix CEO John Casey back in July. Casey—who is managing his own defense in court, which always ends well—is now claiming he was subjected to extortion and FBI wiretapping.
Quickly following the bankruptcy of Boston Grand Prix LLC last year, Massachusetts Attorney General Maura Healey filed a lawsuit against the company and its manager, John Casey, for money owed to ticket holders.
The suit claimed that Casey knew he was marketing an event he didn’t have resources or permits for, and financial investigators determined thousands of dollars in ticket proceeds from Casey’s company went to transactions of a “personal nature.”
While representing his own defense in court today, Casey claimed he was extorted and that “business is handled differently in Boston,” according to WCBV5.
Casey, who is now representing himself, claimed he was “subjected to a lot of extortion” while trying to bring the IndyCar race to the Seaport for Labor Day weekend in 2016.
He said business is done differently in Boston and told the judge, “Like Rodney Dangerfield said in (the movie) ‘Back to School,’ ‘This is a fantasyland.’”
He also told the judge he will be able to shed light on the unexplained withdrawals “once I access the FBI wiretaps that were involved in this whole process.”
The FBI “couldn’t confirm or deny” claims of wiretapping made by Casey in court, according to the report.
Casey requested that the court un-freeze his assets, citing health concerns and an inability to pay for his health insurance. The court will allow him to provide proof of his expense needs before releasing some of his assets.