
‘Fight the Power’ is a look at the real fabric of America

Find out how the movements that came before it gave rise to BLM.

Find out how the movements that came before it gave rise to BLM.
Screenshot: History Channel

There is no growth without pain.

That’s the reality of life, and it’s no different for our society here in America. This country is what it is today from the protests, anguish, and struggles of the American people to push this country to become better.


The History Channel Original Documentary, Fight the Power: The Movements That Changed America, executive produced and narrated by NBA Legend Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, will air at 8 PM EST on Juneteenth and it details the critical movements that shaped America.

Movements from the labor push of the 1880s, to women’s suffrage and civil rights, to the LGBTQ+ and Black Lives Matter, have had a significant impact on this country.

The documentary spends time uncovering the intricate details of them all, from the stories of the people in the labor movement to how social media has given the voice to the voiceless for Black Lives Matter.

Abdul-Jabbar does an excellent job capturing the importance of each movement and adding his own perspective to the movements that influenced his life. The project does a great job of telling the story of these movements in a succinct yet informative fashion.

The transition from movement to movement in our country’s history really showcases how each struggle was affected by the one before it. The Labor movement was key to the Women’s suffrage movement — in the same way, the Civil Rights movement was instrumental to the organization of Black Lives Matter.

The documentary takes you into a specific part of the American DNA that oftentimes gets glossed over with blind patriotism and the American Dream. Fight the Power: The Movements That Changed America, shows us the true reality of America. This country is made from protest, struggle, and anguish that has pushed the powers that be to evaluate the direction of our nation and change it for the better.

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