Are a reaching a point where Final Fantasy mobile games are starting to look like the real thing and not cheap knock-offs? Well, when we look at recent games like Mobius Final Fantasy, Samurai Rising, and the recently confirmed Final Fantasy Brave Exvius, the mobile market is starting to take shape as a quality outlet for the series.
At least in terms of looks. I have no idea how these games play, mostly because I’ve never touched the game it’s based on, Brave Frontier, and I doubt you’re getting the same level of depth from these mobile-based, pocket-sized JRPGs.
The latest trailer for Final Fantasy Brave Exviushas stunning graphics that are comparable to the PSP remakes of some of the older games. It comes loaded with highly detailed sprites, a world map, stunning battle animations, and new interpretations of all you favorite classic heroes.
I mean, even Final Fantasy VI’s Cyan is getting lots of screentime in this trailer, and he is often relegated to the C-tier Final Fantasy heroes in terms of nostalgia pandering.
Call me interested. If the price is right, which isn’t often the case for Square Enix, I might be willing to check this adventure out and see if Square Enix is taking the right strides on the mobile market.
Look for it on iOS and Android later this summer.