Pilar Olivares/Reuters
It’s hard to believe that Rio hosted the Summer Olympics just six months ago.
Today, the Olympic Village has turned into a complete ghost town and many of the venues have fallen into disrepair.
At the Maracana Stadium, the power has been turned off because there is nobody to pay the energy bill. Water in one practice pool is orange. Turf has turned brown and, along with countless stadium seats, has been inexplicably removed from the field.
And that does not even begin to describe the situation in Rio’s favelas, which were supposed to be cleaned up ahead of the start of the Olympics this summer. Instead, as Gizmodo noted, there is sewage and feces flowing through the streets “in small rivers”.
Of course, none of this should come as much of a surprise. Time and again we have seen Olympic hosts promise that the billions of dollars spent for the two-week spectacle will have a lasting impact on the local economy and its citizens, only to then watch silently as the venues begin to decay and become abandoned.
Here’s what Rio’s Olympic venues looks like just six months later.