
How much the highest-paid women in every US state make compared to men — the difference in their salaries is stunning

Gender wage gap top 2 percentThe gender pay gap is twice as bad at the top.Andy Kiersz/Business Insider

Across the US, the average income for the top 2% of all earners is $206,000.

But among women in the top 2%, the average salary is $145,000, compared to $371,000 for men, according to an analysis of the 2015 American Community Survey by labor economics research firm Job Search Intelligence (JSI).

That means the average woman in the top 2% makes just 39 cents for every dollar a man makes. Overall, women earn an average of 79 cents for every dollar a man makes in the US, according to a 2016 report published by the Joint Economic Committee Democratic Staff.

While striking, the pay gap at the top isn’t likely a matter of women being paid significantly less than their male counterparts, but rather that women are underrepresented at the highest levels of management.

In fact, in some states, so few women make it into the top 1% — which requires an average annual salary of $389,436 or more, based on calculations by the Economic Policy Institute — that, to protect anonymity, salary data is not reported by gender, according to JSI. That’s why we’re comparing earnings among the top 2%, rather than the more standard top 1% of earners.

Below, see the average income for the top earners in every US state — listed from the smallest gender wage gap to the largest — as well as the average income for women and men in the top 2% of all earners.

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