Maybe every day is a bad day for Curt Schilling. More accurately, every day where Curt Schilling is lurking somewhere is a bad day for the rest of us, or at least has a high chance of becoming one. Because that means there’s a threat that Schilling will dive headlong in front of a camera, or onto social media, or both, to open his maw and let another various collection of thought-locusts spill out.
Was Thom Brennamen getting caught spewing a disgusting epithet enough for Schilling to ooze out from his lair? You bet it was!
Yes, “cancel culture” strikes again, when a clear homophobe outs himself as a homophobe and won’t these rainbow scythe-wielding libs just give Brennaman another chance. Even though it was the Reds themselves that took Brennaman off air.
These are well-worn tracks by now, but there is no such thing as “cancel culture.” You’re either an asshole or you’re not. There is no defending using the word “f*g.” That’s not an open sharing of ideas or simply a difference of opinion. It’s being an asshole, and assholes lose their jobs from companies that have financial interest in not looking like a complete and overt asshole. Sure, they should lose their jobs for just being assholes, but let’s not pretend that’s the world we live in.
That would be enough for Ol’ Schill for one day, so you would think, but you clearly don’t know Ol’ Schill. You don’t just give 75 percent effort on anything, even if it’s being a total doofus. You go whole doofus. Remember, you don’t just pitch with an ankle injury. You color your sock red with a marker and then stand in front of any camera in the New York area to talk about how much it hurt. That’s how Schilly does it.
You may have seen Steve Bannon was arrested this morning for defrauding hundreds of thousands of donors by using money given to their PAC supposedly to support the Orangutan-in-charge’s wall plans for their own personal use. Guess who’s on the advisory board for Build The Wall PAC?
So either Schilling was duped like everyone else, and Schilling being a dope is hardly a stretch for anyone’s mind, or he was aware and is in some serious trouble his own damn self. There’s been no whisper of the latter, so once again Schilling just looks like an idiot. Funny, that.
It’s wholly gross that Schilling spent a career playing with teammates who either themselves were immigrants or come from a family of immigrants and yet found himself on the board of a (fraudulent) PAC to make sure there are no immigrants, but everything about Schilling has been wholly gross. It’s hard to know whether to root for him ending up in jail like Bannon or just continue to look like the moon-faced moron that he actually is.
Let’s take what we can get.