Not even delays can trip up Faith Conners anymore. The out bounding leading female is ready for release in Mirror’s Edge Catalyst on June 7, and both EA an DICE have a brand new, stunning launch trailer that will make it seem like the last ten years barely happened.
Not a lot has changed in the universe of Mirror’s Edge except for the fact that Faith looks a lot younger. Everything is still really shiny, white, and has people leaping from rooftop to rooftop. What I’ve also noticed is that everyone is still listening to the same infectiously cheesy Swedish pop-music as well. I wonder why that is.
Also, the world looks a lot more beautiful this time around, meaning someone in the Mirror’s Edge universe went back in time to teach everyone about the magic of Frostbite 3. It’s like in Star Trek 4 when Scottie teaches the guy about transparent aluminum.
Hey, runners! Keep your eye out for a charming, Scottish engineer! He’s on the loose!
Mirror’s Edge Catalyst launches for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC on June 7.