
No one seems to care that Kevin Durant is a homophobe

Ugly stuff from KD via DM.

Ugly stuff from KD via DM.
Image: AP

I made jokes about it yesterday, and that’s really all the effort I was prepared to give it. And yet, another day rolled by after Michael Rapaport (who I assume just walked off the set of another charity MTV softball game as that’s still what he does, right?) revealed the heinous and disgusting messages that Durant had left him.


See for yourself.

Make no mistake, Durant’s comments are as homophobic and mysogynist as it gets. And yet there’s been no word of a fine, or suspension for Durant. In fact, Durant has yet to apologize, with only a tepid remark on Twitter that didn’t address any of the garbage that escaped his fingers. And no one seems to be pressuring him to even do that much. This is a league that fined Kobe Bryant $100K over a decade ago for calling a ref the f-word. So it used to take these things seriously.

And where are the main talking heads of sports media? Professional air raid siren Stephen A. Smith is more angry at Rapaport for revealing direct messages than what Durant said, or telling Durant that private conversations are what got Donald Sterling sent out on his ass. Never does Smith talk about the fact it’s when the cameras are off and you think no one’s watching we find out who you truly are. So Durant very well may be this hateful, homophobic asshole.

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Skip Bayless, whose entire existence is based on missing the point, spent five minutesexplaining Rapaport’s point of view, as if that matters.

It appears that no one cares that Durant is capable of spewing some of the harshest and vile homophobic slurs possible. Durant doesn’t seem to care either.


But if you’re like me, you at least know you’re not crazy for caring when you see the chief BarfStoolie talking about how much he loved Durant’s airing out of Rapaport in that fashion. What else do you need to know?

Jumping around a bit. The Mets and Francisco Lindor gave everyone in Queens a boost before kicking off the season today, as they agreed to a 10-year, $341 million deal last night. The average per year will put Lindor in the top ten of yearly salaries. Considering it’s what Manny Machado got on the open market just a year-and-a-half ago, it’s something of a bargain for the Mets, as Lindor is the better player at a more premium position.


The Mets doing good things… I’m scared too, people. We’ll get through it together.

They’ve finally done it. The Sabres won a game! The Flyers tried incredibly hard on Monday night to let the Sabres snap their 17-game winless streak, but couldn’t manage it. So they came back Wednesday after apparently a pregame meal of just ipecac. The Flyers were pitchforked 6-1 by Buffalo. Our long national nightmare is over. But it’s just the beginning for the Flyers, who are on the precipice of a complete pants-shitting to end the season.


We’ll end with a huge upset in the world of soccer yesterday, as North Macedonia (at roughly +2600 odds) defeated Germany in Germany yesterday in World Cup qualifying, 2-1. The German team, despite its oil tanker of talent, has been slowly folding in on itself since the last World Cup, and this might be the nadir. And it was capped off by this miss from Timo Werner, who seemingly lost feeling in his feet somewhere around October:


You can actually pinpoint the exact second that Werner’s soul tells his body that it’s leaving and heading for the beer hall. By the time this season is over they’re going to have to pick Werner up with a sponge.

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