The two men attempting to high-five above are employees at Osprey Wireless in Westwood, Massachusetts. They are celebrating their role in helping police capture a suspect who had been the subject of a police chase, and who had ditched his 1999 Toyota Camry to walk into Osprey Wireless to apply for a job. “He was as cool as a cucumber,” one of the employees told WBZ.
The suspect was identified as Jose Jimenez, 26, who was wanted for allegedy leaving the scene of an accident and running over a cop’s foot with a car during a police stop on Sept. 7, according to WBZ. Last Tuesday, Jimenez was spotted by police, who subsequently gave chase.
According to WBZ:
They chased him down Route 93 south and onto Route 95/128 north until he got off at the University Avenue exit.
They said they found the Camry abandoned outside Weston’s Peterson School, but were told by a witness that he ran into Osprey Wireless.
Osprey employees said Jimenez ran inside the store, spoke with multiple people to ask if they had any positions available–then started filling out an application.
At that point, “We’re hearing police helicopters outside, there’s police coming in from every direction,” said [employee Jeff Maron.]
I mean, listen, being a go-getter is a positive if you’re looking for full-time employment but you should settle your legal issues first.