
Scaramucci says Trump tweets because he doesn’t feel “defended in the mainstream media” — here’s what he tweets about


On Sunday, during an interview with CNN’s Jake Tapper, newly appointed White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci briefly spoke about the President’s Twitter habits.

As Scaramucci tried to shift the conversation to Trump’s agenda — the things “he’s super focused on” — Tapper interrupted: “But he’s not tweeting about those things. He’s tweeting about Russia and Hillary Clinton.”

Scaramucci explained that it’s “because he doesn’t feel — he doesn’t feel that he’s being effectively defended in the mainstream media with the nonsensical narratives that are out there. And we’re going to change that for him. We’re going to — we’re going to defend him very, very aggressively when there’s nonsensical stuff being said about him. And he will probably dial back some of those tweets. That’s the way it works.”

There’s some truth to Tapper’s statement. In the 920 tweets posted on President Trump’s twitter account between January 20 and July 7, 99 were about the Russia investigation. As we go forward, it will be interesting to see if, as Scaramucci suggested, Trump will “dial back some of those tweets.”

Business Insider analyzed Trump’s tweets that have been posted since he took office, from January 20 to July 7 2017, and pulled out the major themes. The Trump Twitter Archive aims to create as complete a database as possible of all of the tweets posted on the @realDonaldTrump Twitter account. Since January 27, 2017, the database has maintained a real-time collection of them, meaning even tweets that were later deleted (such as the “covfefe”) are included in the database.

While these themes don’t provide a comprehensive list of all the President’s tweets, they give a good sense of some of the biggest topics in Trump’s timeline. For example, Trump’s favorite time of day to tweet is between 7:00 and 8:00 AM eastern, and his favorite topic is the media.

From the “FAKE NEWS”, to the ongoing investigations of Russian interference in the election, to the GOP’s attempts to overhaul the US healthcare system, here’s what’s been on the president’s mind in the last five and a half months.

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