
SNL Sketch Illustrates Why Gifting A New Car For Christmas Is Probably A Bad Idea

Illustration for article titled SNL Sketch Illustrates Why Gifting A New Car For Christmas Is Probably A Bad Idea

Screenshot: Saturday Night Live YouTube (Other)

It’s that time of year again, where car companies dig deep into their well of holiday advertising campaigns and recycle the very tired and unoriginal concept of surprising a loved one by financing a major purchase as a holiday gift. Saturday Night Live recently showed how this might go wrong.


Honestly, I’m surprised it took this long for SNL to skewer this advertising bit since Lexus has been running this campaign for what seems like forever, especially since other parodies have been around since at least 2012. However, since 2020 has been a pretty consistent dumpster fire from the start, perhaps now is a good time to say…maybe this isn’t a December I want to remember.

Obviously, the bit goes over the top with the ridiculousness but hammers the correct point home. Regardless of the “savings,” unless you live that millionaire celebrity life, you probably should not be “surprising” your family or loved one with a major financial purchase. Of course, I warned about this a while back and I would imagine for the average person this gift would come across as “Oh great, you gifted me the thing we planned on buying anyway.”


If you insist on shopping for a car this holiday season, make sure you read all the fine print and get a good “apper.”

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