After Lady March discovered the burglar, Lord March tried to help her, only to get hit on the head, with the couple spending the rest of the night tied up until the morning shift arrived.
Lord March is one of us, car guys. Not only is he by far our favorite aristocrat this side of Alfonso de Orleans-Borbón, but also an overall gentleman who always has a few kind words when we meet at Goodwood. By the way, if you don’t know why he is considered to be a proper Jalop despite not owning a brown diesel wagon with a manual, here’s a clue:
According to The Daily Mail, the incident took place on Wednesday at 4.30am, when somebody used a ladder to break into the Goodwood House, waking up Lady March, hitting Lord March in the head, forcing Lady March to open the safe, tying them up and fleeing the scene with irreplaceable, centuries old family jewels.
(Pictured: Me parking my loaner Rolls in front of LM’s lawn.)
While losing the family jewels is painful enough on its own, Lord March also sustained an injury to his ear, not to mention how terrifying this must have been for both of them.
I guess while the police gets busy, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to take a relaxing drive in that beautiful Lancia:
I know of no better cure.
Photo credit: Getty Images and Máté Petrány/Jalopnik
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