If you’ve been playing games for a while, you’ve almost certainly heard Jory Prum’s work. As an audio producer, his work was largely invisible, but without him some games could’ve been quite different or, in at least one case, not even possible. Prum passed away this weekend at age 41.
Prum contributed to games like Knights of the Old Republic at LucasArts, The Walking Dead at Telltale, and most recently, Grim Fandango Remastered and Day of the Tentacle at Double Fine. Grim Fandango, according to creator Tim Schafer, wouldn’t have been possible without Prum’s work in retrieving original audio from the decades old game.
Prum was in a motorcycle accident and passed away this weekend. Schafer had warm words about Prum on Twitter regarding his contributions and attitude:
Jory Prum touched many lives with his talent & kindness. LucasArts to Broken Age & Grim Remastered, we couldn’t have done it without him.
— TimOfLegend (@TimOfLegend) April 24, 2016
While Jory Prum isn’t a name most gamers know, it’s clear he’ll be missed in the community. Check out his IMDB page for his full list of game and film credits, including work on films like Lost in Translation and Adaptation, and, if you have the chance, boot up one of his games and remember him by enjoying his work.