
The Carolina Panthers pulled off an impressive Twitter meme that took 3 days to execute

Cam Newton, Michael Oher, and Mike Tomlin smile on Carolina Panthers benchRonald Martinez/Getty Images

The growing intersection of sports and social media has yielded great results of late. The Blazers recently announced a trade deal with the Rockets in hilarious fashion through Twitter, and Jaromir Jagr has been having fun with his late-career free agency by posting his frustrations for NHL fans to see.

On Friday, the Carolina Panthers revealed the payoff of a Twitter joke their social media team had spent three days setting up, and established themselves as the current clubhouse leaders in the NFL when it comes to memes.

Any followers of the Panthers might have noticed a few tweets from the team over the past few days that seemed slightly off.

Air Stew 💪

— Carolina Panthers (@Panthers) July 5, 2017

Jonathan Stewart has never really gone by the nickname “Air Stew” throughout his career. Unless this was a newly minted nickname that came up while watching game film in the locker room this offseason, this tweet appeared to be a somewhat forced, but content like that is not unheard of during these dog days of summer that lead into training camp. Anything to get the local fans excited, right?

But today, the Panthers’ intention became clear, after posting a tweet that would reveal the plan that a small team of social media experts spent days bringing to fruition.

Now go back and read the first word of our tweets from the last three days

— Carolina Panthers (@Panthers) July 7, 2017

Oh? Sure Panthers, why not, let’s play your game. Scrolling down the Panthers timeline, their recent tweets appear as such.

This is what you need to know if you plan on visiting us at training camp

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— Carolina Panthers (@Panthers) July 7, 2017

Is it football season yet?

— Carolina Panthers (@Panthers) July 7, 2017

A look at the @TDDDF car & bike show with @ThomasDavisSDTM


— Carolina Panthers (@Panthers) July 7, 2017

Story of the week? Find out in our roundup of headlines from around the web


— Carolina Panthers (@Panthers) July 7, 2017

All our rookies know how to put in work 💪


— Carolina Panthers (@Panthers) July 7, 2017

About to make it four. #KeepPounding

— Carolina Panthers (@Panthers) July 7, 2017

How does the #Panthers O-Line look heading into training camp?

Position Preview »

— Carolina Panthers (@Panthers) July 7, 2017

Have you caught it yet? Maybe a few more tweets will get you there.

“My prime better be now”

More from Cam »

— Carolina Panthers (@Panthers) July 7, 2017

Life is more fun with #Panthers football 🙌

20 more days till training camp!

— Carolina Panthers (@Panthers) July 7, 2017

Got a photo that shows off your #Panthers pride? Share it for a chance to win a VIP trip to training camp!

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— Carolina Panthers (@Panthers) July 7, 2017

Flipped into the end zone! This play never gets old.

— Carolina Panthers (@Panthers) July 7, 2017

Turned from teammate to coach. Catch up with former #Panthers WR Jerricho Cotchery.

— Carolina Panthers (@Panthers) July 7, 2017

Upside from the start! Watch @CMcCaffrey5 dominate this game of Pee Wee football.

— Carolina Panthers (@Panthers) July 7, 2017

Down to 65 Days Until Kickoff!

— Carolina Panthers (@Panthers) July 7, 2017

Yes, you are correct. The Carolina Panthers spent three days setting up a Twitter joke that lead to the theme song of “Fresh Prince of Bel Air” to get stuck in your head. Chances are you’ll be thinking of a young Will Smith for the next couple of hours.

The joke is a fine one from the Panthers, inspired by the recent virality of a tweet from Richard Cook (aka @CookyWook), who revealed a similarly devious plot Tuesday morning. His seriesoftweetsledusers to spell out the iconic first lines of Smash Mouth’s “All Star,” another song beloved by internet commenters.


— Richard Cook (@cookywook) July 4, 2017

While not completely original, much credit is due to the Panthers social media team for jumping on this joke structure so quickly — Cook’s reveal happened on Tuesday and the Panthers were posting tweets to set up their own joke the very next day.

Football season is only 62 days away.

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