Just For Men ControlGX grey reducing shampoo.Just for Men
For guys who worry about their graying hair, washing it all away would seem like a dream.
Just for Men, producer of coloring products to help men hide their gray hair, has come up with a product that claims to do just that: a shampoo that permanently gets rid of gray hairs.
It’s called Just for Men ControlGX, and it works by gradually restoring pigment to gray hairs through repeated use. You can easily adjust your usage of the shampoo based on how much gray you want to get rid of.
Here’s the science behind it, according to the release:
It gradually restores pigment to gray hairs with each use. Control GX is able to deliver permanent gray reduction in a shampoo because the pigments are trapped inside layers of cleansing and conditioning molecules, like a sandwich. The pigment is only released when the shampoo is massaged into the hair, which breaks apart the sandwich structure and releases pigment into the hair.
A shampoo makes it easier for guys to treat their grays on a daily basis without having to worry about dyes and combs. Though the shampoo dyes the hairs permanently, those hairs will shed and new hairs will crop up gray, so repeated use is required to maintain the look.
It comes in both just shampoo and shampoo and conditioner 2-in-1 versions, though the usefulness of 2-in-1 shampoos in general is up for debate. It runs $8.49 for a five-ounce bottle.