If you’re like me, today is sort of like Opening Day in baseball. Every motorcycle and gear manufacturer is posting all sorts of amazing content all over social media as we await that first gate drop tonight in Anaheim. Of all the videos I’ve watched this morning, this one from Honda got me the most excited.
Maybe it’s the fact that the video sounds like Honda shares Peter Berg’s love for setting things to Explosions in the Sky, or maybe it’s that Honda has to really great, really “good-guy” riders who will be competitive this year – but this video just hit the sweet spot for me.
Don’t forget, tonight’s race starts at 7:00 PST, and will be on Fox Sports 1 and the Fox Sports Go App. For those of you who live in So Cal and are going to the race, I’ll see ya there.
Note to moto-video makers everywhere: if you put Explosions in the Sky in your video instead of dub-step, I will love you for it and probably love your video. Beers on me to whoever can figure out what song this is, because I can’t.