
Try this on for size: Pro golfer Aaron Rodgers

This man is actually really good at golf.

This man is actually really good at golf.
Image: Getty Images

Bryson DeChambeau looked like he had a lot of fun letting Aaron Rodgers win “The Match” against Tom Brady and Phil Mickelson for him yesterday. While DeChambeau’s ball spent more time in the trees than on the fairway, Rodgers looked like a professional golfer that might have a future on the PGA Tour, if he decides to stop doing that football thing. Or that “Jeopardy” thing. Or that singing Taylor Swift thing.


“I was glad I was able to get my partner up on the greens, and he was making everything today,” DeChambeau said after the match.

Which, honestly, was hilarious to me, considering at one point, Rodgers and DeChambeau used Rodgers’ tee shot six times in seven holes.

Yes, I know that DeChambeau was playing aggressively based on the fact that his partner was hitting the fairways. He was able to take risks and bomb the ball like he’s apt to do, knowing they could always play the more conservative ball of Rodgers. Yes, I also know that DeChambeau has won a Major Championship, and is currently PGA’s sixth-ranked golfer in the world.

Still. It was Rodgers who won the day.

After losing to his new NFC rival, Brady had some on-point memes to share on his Twitter.

The only thing that would have made this experience better would have been to have Brooks Koepka pop out of the trees and start heckling DeChambeau.


Rodgers had it all going yesterday, including his impressive hair flow, which is new. He pretty much did it all on the back nine, making birdies on 10, 11, and 12 to build a three-stroke lead.


Rodgers then walked in his final putt to seal the win.


Everything new that Rodgers is good at just adds one more potential layer to the anxiety of Packers fans as this offseason of drama unfolds.

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