
Twitter beef allows us to welcome back Soulja Boy & Randy Orton as headline names

Randy Orton

Randy Orton
Image: Getty Images

I would have never thought that I would look at my timeline and see an active Twitter Beef between WWE legend Randy Orton and Soulja Boy, but it’s 2021 and anything is possible.

Putting these two in the same sentence makes me feel like I’m in 2008 all over again.


If you are nosy enough to click through the Twitter thread, you’ll see that Soulja Boy started all of this with a random tweet about today’s rap game.

Orton and a few other wrestlers took offense to this statement from Soulja and fired back. Orton proceeded to call Soulja Boy a “Bitch ass” for not understanding the strain that WWE wrestlers put their bodies through. Soulja Boy responded by telling Orton “don’t play with me” and that he’ll bring the “Real” to wrestling. Orton bounced back by basically calling Soulja Boy a has-been.

As you can well imagine, Twitter ran with this.


Randy Orton is 6’5” and 250 pounds, and Soulja Boy looks like he can barely lift a pool noodle, so a sparring match between the two is likely out of the question. I’m expecting this little squabble to stay on the internet where it started.

It was a nice little piece of entertainment for the late-night Twitter crowd, but I doubt that we’ll be seeing any rendition of Nate Robinson and Jake Paul squaring off.


Hopefully, both 2000s stars will retreat to their respective corners.

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