
Umpire Joe West Sues Retired Catcher Paul Lo Duca Over Bribery Allegations

“So, it was 06 or 07, and we’re playing like a really tight game against the Phillies. Billy Wagner comes in from the bullpen, and I used to go to the mound every time and, like, ‘What’s going on?’ He’s like, ‘Hey, Joe’s behind the plate, set a couple more inches inside.’ I was like, ‘Are you kidding me? Joe hates me.’ He’s like, ‘No no no no no no, Joe loves me.’ I go, ‘He hasn’t given us the corner all day.’ He’s like, ‘Don’t worry about it.’ He literally throws 10 pitches and strikes out three guys; Joe rings up all three guys; eight out of the nine pitches were at least three to four inches inside, not even close. Guys were throwing bats and everything, Joe walks off the field. We get back into the clubhouse, and I’m like, ‘What the fuck just happened just right now?’ And Wagner just winks at me, I’m like, ‘What’s the secret?’ He’s like, ‘Eh, Joe loves antique cars, so every time he comes in town I lend him my ‘57 Chevy so he can drive it around, so then he opens up the strike zone for me.’

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