I try not to spend much of my time thinking about how long we have left in the decade, but it came to my attention today that there are only 46 days remaining in this decade. Movies are a very important part of my life, and I like to record the passing of time in the movies I’ve seen. Like that scene in High Fidelity where Cusack reorganizes his record collection in biographical order. Am I the weird one?
Don’t answer that.
Anyway, there have been quite a few pieces of cinema in the last ten years which have been—at least tangentially—car related. And we’re going out with a bang as Ford Vs. Ferrari officially opened today.
I want to know which of these kernels of entertainment you treasure the most. Which do you keep coming back to as something you can’t stop watching. Here is a list of all the car-ish movies I could think of from the time spanning 2010 until right this moment, in order of awesome as defined by me. Limited to the ones I’ve actually seen, of course.
(I’m not including documentaries, naturally, because Truth In 24 II would wipe all of these off the map. Jason Statham Forever!)
1. Baby Driver
2. Rush
3. Atomic Blonde
4. Furious 7
5. Mad Max: Fury Road
6. Mission: Impossible – Fallout
7. Bumblebee
8. Logan Lucky
9. The Art Of Racing In The Rain
10. Hit & Run
11. Fast 5
12. Mission: Impossible – Rogue Nation
13. Cruise
14. Skyfall
15. Fast & Furious 6
16. Cars 3
17. Spectre
18. Drive Angry
19. Need For Speed
20. Cars 2
21. Iron Man 2
22. Drive
I’d love to see you argue against that list, it’s 100% infallible. Go ahead and try. But also, I’d like to see your lists, or even just your #1 pick. Is there anything I haven’t yet seen that belongs on this list? Is there something that I’m forgetting? I remember seeing a Netflix film about a guy in a BMW that was okay. There was a lot of shooting, and a cell phone. What was that?