Fall is one of those times of the year that pretty much all of us get excited about. It can be hard to express that excitement in a non-stereotypical way—the furry boots and pumpkin-spice lattes, you know—but this wallpaper is a solution. Look at this solution. Appreciate this solution.
This weekend’s wallpaper comes from Ronnie Renaldi and features his own Ferrari F430, surrounded by fall scenery that matches it in color and in beauty. Are you in love yet? Does this whole scene make you uncontrollably happy or what?
If you’re in a sassy mood and mentally said, “No, Alanis, a single photo isn’t going change my mood.” Well, then. Fine. Here are a few more from Ronnie.
Don’t you just love fall, and Ferraris? Of course you do. If you also love taking your own automotive photos and wouldn’t mind seeing them featured online, feel free to send a few to the email address below.
Photo credit: Ronnie Renaldi. Used with permission. For more of Ronnie’s photos, head on over to his website, Instagram and Facebook page. For a big desktop version of the top photo, click here. Here are the second, third and fourth photos as well.
Weekend Wallpapers are usually featured on Sundays, (but not always!). Got one you’d like us to run? Send it to alanis.king@jalopnik.com with the subject “Weekend Wallpaper.” Just make sure you have the rights to use it.